IBM 000-M50 test training
We all know that 000-M50 test training is a popular exam IBM certification exam can be a very good market acceptance. Meanwhile, the 000-M50 training material is a relatively difficult test, because it includes a lot of problems, how to quickly grasp all the knowledge it has always been a difficult point.
1. What are the three pillars of the IBM ISS go-to-market strategy?
A. IBM ISS Products, Professional Security Services, and Managed Security Services
B. Professional Security Services, Managed Security Services, and Business Continuity Services
C. Managed Security Services, IBM ISS Products, and Tier 1 OEM Security Vendors
D. Threat Mitigation Services, Data Security Services, and IBM ISS Products
Answer: A
2. Identify the best prospect from the list below:
A. Allied - Needs a best-of-breed network-based IPS for the corporate internet connection. They already use Proventia Server and have SiteProtector running.
B. Merco - Needs to provide host-based protection for all 250 application servers. They also need someone to implement the solution and provide 24x7 monitoring and management.
C. Acme - Needs end-point protection for 1000 desktops. They have Symantec AV, but are lacking firewall, IPS, and content filtering.
D. Partco - Needs an automated application assessment on its primary Web-facing application.
Answer: B
3. A seller has identified and driven an opportunity for intrusion prevention products. The client now indicates that it will release an RFP for IBM products. What method can the seller use to help win the deal?
A. Register the deal.
B. Engage the IBM Security Specialist and request special pricing.
C. Register for Order Protection from the distributor.
D. Engage the SE to prepar e the SOW.
Answer: A
000-M50 on the market there are many resource materials, but the content too much, to complete all learning may take a long time.